Given the imminent release of my new book ‘The Economics of Property and Planning’, here is some text on the book’s relevance and importance. Both
Read MoreNew Book – The Economics of Property and Planning: Relevance and Importance
Given the imminent release of my new book ‘The Economics of Property and Planning’, here is some text on the book’s relevance and importance. Both
Read MoreNew Book – The Economics of Property and Planning: Relevance and Importance
Ideas of place in the economics property and planning cannot escape the concepts of space and spatial considerations held with economic geography. Space as a
It is quite widely thought that the role of infrastructure, particularly transport, is one useful way to understand the history of places. Particularly by looking
Read MoreTransport and Infrastructure Economics in Property and Planning
For economics in property, the legal real property consideration of justice resonates in economics and the economy. Early writers on justice such as Paine (1797)
Read MoreOn Justice in Property and Planning – Normative Economics in Action
Stable prices are a macroeconomic consideration for nations and the places contained within their boundaries. For places, changes in inflation or changes in the prices
Read MoreMaking clear the inflation question – what does this mean for planning ‘property’?
Brownfield sites can generate negative externality on real estate value, profit, and productivity. The use and development of brownfield sites are perceived to be risky
Read MoreBrownfield Development: Some Historical Context, Barriers, and Issues
The contribution of financialization discourse to capital and inequality is particularly interesting to economics in property. Epstein’s (2005) ‘Financialization and The World Economy’ opens more
To deal with the economic issues of property, the work by David Ricardo (1772 – 1823) provides a dimension on how trade and the relative
Read MoreDavid Ricardo on Land Rents and Comparative Advantage
For major project feasibility and decision making, if cost and benefit items have been identified and valued, the net difference of costs and benefits need
Read MoreWhy does the value of money erode? Human Nature, Time, and Discounting
As the Government tightens rules for property investors, it’s talking up a less common type of rental development. What are ‘build-to-rent’ schemes, and how could