McCord, M., McCord, J., Lo, D., Brown, L., MacIntyre, S., Squires, G. (2024). The value of Green and Blue spaces given house prices and walkability. Royal Geographical Society (RGS) Conference. London, United Kingdom. 27th-30th August 2024

McCord, M., MacIntyre, S., and Squires, G. (2024). The value of Green and Blue space: Livability, Walkability and house prices. Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference (PRRES). Gold Coast, Australia. 14th January 2024

Ngo, T., Squires, G., McCord, M., Lo, D. (2023). House Prices, Airport Location Proximity, and Air Traffic Volume: Plus some Covid-19 Effects. Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference (PRRES). Sydney, Australia. 15th January 2023

Hutchison, N., Fyfe, A., Squires, G. (2023). The role of the state in encouraging the supply of senior housing: housing-with-care and retirement villages in Scotland and New Zealand. Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference (PRRES). Sydney, Australia. 15th January 2023

Sasu, A., Squires, G., and Arshad, J. (2022). Indigenous informal land markets, land banking, and land values: A national case of Ghana. African Real Estate Society Conference (AfRES). Accra, Ghana. 9th September 2022

Squires, G., Webber, D., Hutchison, N., & MacGregor, B. (2022). Reverse mortgages in New Zealand: financing fun for the rich or survival for the poor?.NZAE – New Zealand Association of Economists. Wellington. 29th June 2022

Trinh, H., McCord, M., Lo, D., Squires, G. (2021). Does ‘Green Growth’ and Technological Innovation matter to Infrastructure Investment? Global evidence. Asia Conference on Business and Economic Studies (ACBES). Online/Vietnam. 28th August 2021

Trinh, H., Squires, G., Webber, D. (2021). Housing Markets and the Wider Economy under Global Shocks: 1970-2021.  Joint Real Estate Conference by the Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES), the Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC) and the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA). Online/Singapore. 18th July 2021

Squires, G., Trinh, H., Khan, M., Marei, M. (2021). Housing Price, Financial Development, Energy Intensity, FDI inflows: Global Evidence. New Zealand Association of Economists (NZAE). Wellington, New Zealand. 23rd June 2021

Squires, G., Webber, D., Trinh, H., Javed, A. (2021). The Connection of Rental and House Price Affordability Measures in New Zealand. Regional Science Association International. Wellington, New Zealand. 28th May 2021.

Squires, G. (2020). The use of housing charges to fund and finance bulk infrastructure. Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES). Canberra, Australia. 19-22 January 2020

White, D., and Graham, S. (2020). Motivations and Behaviours of Residential PropertyInvestors in Auckland, New Zealand. Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES). Canberra, Australia. 19-22 January 2020

Javed, A., Squires, G., White, D. (2020). Commercial Real Estate Performance Analysis of Australia and New Zealand. Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES). Canberra, Australia. 19-22 January 2020

Squires, G., Webber, D. (2019). Rental Affordability as a Determinant of House Price Affordability. New Zealand Association of Economists. Wellington, New Zealand. 3-5 July 2019.

Squires, G., Webber, D. (2019). Controlling house price affordability: Look to the rental market. Western Economic Association International (WEAI). Tokyo, Japan. 21 – 24 March 2019.

White, D., Squires, G., and Syed, I. (2019). Fungible House Prices: Disentangling Owner-Occupation and Investment Properties. Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES). Melbourne, Australia. 14-16 January 2019

Squires, G. (2018). Towards financial risk in Housing Policy Trends. European Real Estate Society (ERES). Reading, United Kingdom. 26th-30th June 2018

Squires, G. and Webber, D. (2018). Fluctuating regional house price affordability and the irrelevance of mortgage rates. Australasian Housing Researchers Conference (AHRC). Gold Coast, Australia. 6 – 8 June 2018

Squires, G. and White, I. (2018). A Decade on from the Global Financial Crisis – Financial Resilience and Unaffordable Housing Markets. Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES). Auckland, New Zealand. 21-24 January 2018

Pope, A., Squires, G., Young, M. (2018). Ground lessee insights on ground leasehold issues. Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES). Auckland, New Zealand. 21-24 January 2018

Squires, G. (2018). Enabling Affordable Housing Supply with Policy Intervention. Western Economic Association International (WEAI). Newcastle, Australia. 10 – 14 January 2018.

Squires, G., Lord, A., Cocks, M. (2017). The Uneven Geography of Financing Cities through a Betterment Tax: Using the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in England. European Real Estate Society (ERES), Delft, Netherlands

Squires, G. and White, D. (2017). Affordable Housing Finance: Repositioning a Paradox, Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES), Sydney, Australia

Squires, G. (2015). The Future Financing of Real Estate Development in Cities: Comparing US and European Approaches. Association of American Geographers (AAG), Session on Financial Services Institutions, Insurance, Retail/Real Estate and REITS, Chicago, USA

Squires, G. (2015). Urban poverty and ‘neighborhood causes’ from dysfunction: A complementary addition to ‘neighborhood effects’ research. Urban Affairs Association (UAA), Miami, USA

Squires, G. (2014). The Future Financing of Development in Cities. Policy and Politics. Bristol, England, UK

Squires, G., Hutchison, N., Adair, A., Berry, J., McGreal, S. and Organ, S. (2014). Innovative financing instruments for real estate development in Western Europe. European Real Estate Society (ERES), Bucharest, Romania

Squires, G. and Heurkens, E. (2014). International approaches to real estate development: Applying a conceptual model to compare and contrast themes and issues. European Real Estate Society (ERES), Bucharest, Romania

Victory, C., and Squires, G. (2014). Understanding the potential roles of housing associations in the market rented sector. HSA (Housing Studies Association), York, UK

Organ, S., Squires, G., Proverbs, D. (2013) Motivating energy efficiency refurbishment of owner-occupied homes: a new methodology. Sustainable Cities Conference, Putrajaya, Malaysia

Ogunnaike, A., Squires, G., Booth, C. (2013) ‘A Pluralistic Conceptual Model for Affordable Housing in Lagos, Nigeria. Sustainable Cities Conference, Putrajaya, Malaysia

Squires, G. and Hutchison, N. (2013). The life and death of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) for redevelopment: Lessons in affordable housing and implementation. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) COBRA, New Delhi, India

Heurkens, E. and Squires, G. (2013). Comparing International Real Estate Development: A Methodological Inquiry. European Real Estate Society (ERES), Vienna, Austria

Ellison, A., Squires, G., Dempsey, P. (2013). Problematic differentiation between property bonds and leases in healthcare provision. European Real Estate Society (ERES), Vienna, Austria

Dempsey, P., Squires, G., Ellison, A. (2013). An assessment of the impact of overseas buyers on the pricing and utilisation of prime residential properties in central London. European Real Estate Society (ERES), Vienna, Austria

Squires, G. and Hall, S. (2013). Lesson (Un)Learning in Spatial Fiscal Incentives: Enterprise Zones and Empowerment Zones. AESOP / ACSP, Dublin, Ireland

Squires, G. (2012). Funny Money in Serious Times: Tax Increment Finance Lessons. Policy and Politics. Bristol, England, UK

Squires, G and Heurkens, E. (2012). Tax Increment Finance (TIF) and alternative financing instruments for urban regeneration in the UK and the Netherlands? European Real Estate Society (ERES), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Squires, G. (2011). The transfer of urban policy for spatially targeted economic development initiatives. AAG (Association of American Geographers) Seattle, USA.

Squires, G. (2010). Urban Design and Low Value Neighbourhoods: Reinforcing Disadvantage? AESOP Conference Paper. Helsinki, Finland.

Rees, J. and Squires, G. (2009). Linking Gentrification, Displacement Trajectories and Affordability in critical research on Urban Housing Market Renewal. HSA (Housing Studies Association), Cardiff, UK.

Squires, G. (2009). Measurable and Non-measurable Drivers in Housing and Neighbourhood Regeneration Policy Areas. AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning). Liverpool, UK

Squires, G. (2008). Dysfunctional neighbourhoods? Beyond the renewal of housing markets in low demand neighbourhoods. AAG (Association of American Geographers) Conference Paper and Presentation. Boston, USA.

Squires, G. and Kingston, R. (2007). Exploring housing patterns and dynamics in low demand neighbourhoods using Geographically Weighted Regression. Geocomputation Conference Presentation and Paper. Maynooth, National University of Ireland.