Squires, G. (2018). ‘Mechanisms for Financing Affordable Housing Development’ in Squires, G., Heurkens, E., Peiser, R., (2018). Companion to Real Estate Development. Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-91434-6

Squires, G.Heurkens, E., Peiser, R., (2018). ‘Real Estate Development: An Overview’ in Squires, G., Heurkens, E., Peiser, R., (2018). Companion to Real Estate Development. Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-91434-6

Squires, G. and Heurkens, E. (2015). ‘Chapter 1: Introducing International Approaches to Real Estate Development’ in Squires, G. and Heurkens, E. (2015). International Approaches to Real Estate Development. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-82857-4

Squires, G. and Heurkens, E. (2015). ‘Chapter 13: Concluding International Approaches to Real Estate Development’ in Squires, G. and Heurkens, E. (2015). International Approaches to Real Estate Development. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-82857-4

Short, M and Squires, G. (2014) ‘New Urban Housing Design in the UK’ in Inzulza, J y L. Pérez (eds.) ‘Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Urban Design for the Contemporary City’. Santiago, Chile: Universidad de Chile & Universidad de Concepción Press. ISBN: 978-956-19-0846-8

Squires, G. (2014) ‘Chapter 4: Urban water economics’ in Booth, C.A.& Charlesworth, S.M. (Editors) Water Resources in the Built Environment: Management Issues and Solutions. Wiley-Blackwells, Oxford. ISBN 9780470670910


Squires, G. on Tighe, J.R. and Mueller, E.J. (Eds). (2012). The Affordable Housing Reader. Routledge. Book Review for Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 569 – 570